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Bosch online registration




































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MyBosch - Personal product registration for Bosch Home Appliances

bosch online registration
Image source: www.reparationinjecteur.co.uk

Benefits: wide range of services, innovation, special offers, competitions, promotion and latest newsAll you have to do is register your appliance to get your free warranty extension certificate.Register your Bosch home appliance and discover plenty of new possibilities

bosch online registration
Image source: www.reparationinjecteur.co.uk

Benefits: wide range of services, innovation, special offers, competitions, promotion and latest news

MyBosch - Personal product registration for Bosch Home Appliances

You can look forward to superb service, the latest information, tips and lots more.We’re constantly researching and updating the most frequent questions related to our home appliances, so that your next chocolate pie will just be that little bit more perfect.Find the step-by-step videos on how to use your appliances.What sort of information will we send you.Your registration with MyBosch comes with a whole range of benefits to make your experience even better.Working hours: Monday - Saturday: 8 am to 8 pm.Your registration with MyBosch comes with a whole range of benefits to make your experience even better My Bosch Customer Registration.

Guarantee | Bosch Professional

Order your spare parts in a fast and convenient way.User manuals are available here for downloading.Create a personal account on the Bosch registration page Product Registration.



By filling out and submitting the registration, you grant your consent for this.No change or addition to any provision shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of both parties.If requested, we will be happy to inform you about which procedure is used to store your data and which data is concerned.BOSCH will inform Innovator about any negative decision via e-mail.The contact partner for the Innovator remains BOSCH, not the associated company of BOSCH.Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH shall use the above-mentioned data only for the purpose of examining and assessing submissions to the innovation portal.In case BOSCH wants to enter into the Negotiation BOSCH will inform Innovator via e-mail.All personal data shall be used in accordance with the prevailing applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. My Bosch.

bosch online registration
Image source: www.reparationinjecteur.co.uk

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bosch online registration
Image source: www.reparationinjecteur.co.uk


Benefits: wide range of services, innovation, special offers, competitions, promotion and latest news..

Professional Bosch power tools meet the highest quality standards. This is why we offer a guarantee extension. All professional blue power tools and measuring tools come with a three-year guarantee ? free of charge!.

Bosch Power Tools Innovation Platform: Inventors, developers and creative minds working together with the leader in innovation.

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